Sims & FMS can be installed direct from Solus Delpoyment GUI.

Solus 3 Install Notes

Create an account on the machine :- Solus – password of solus and make an administrator

Disable UAC

Stop Firewall

Map drive to S: \\sims-server\simsroot$


Open Solus 3 Agents Folder, then Solus Firewall Scripts folder and run Server 2008 – Windows 7 Firewall batch file.

Once this has run, move back one level to the Solus 3 Agent Folder


Now run the Solus3AgentInstaller batch file and select Next to all

Once this has finished RDC to the sims server

Run the Solus 3 Deployment UI from the desktop

Click Solus Agents (Top Middle icon)



Click Update Environment


Change to Channel to SIMS




Click Select Computers on SIMS Workstation


Browse Agent by Computer Name, any new ones will appear in the list on the left,

Highlight them click Add, Click Save x2

You will be asked for a Username / password




Click ok.

Click close



Solus will now be deployed to the laptop – a message will appear asking if you want to Deploy now, click Delpoy now

For FMS Install

Change the channel to FMS

Click Select Computers on FMS Workstation screen

Browse Agent by Computer Name, any new ones will appear in the list on the left,

Highlight them click Add, Click Save x2

You will be asked for a Username / password




Click ok.

Click close